I am very happy to share my experience across two terms / two courses, all my apprehensions were dispelled in the very first hour of the class, away from regular PMBOK, knowledge areas, and processes – Prof. David went beyond, his passion for the subject started resonating with us. Prof. David’s day-to-day examples connecting with Project Management were immensely helpful in getting a grasp on the subject and understanding the concepts well.
There are a few highlights of the classes that actually inspire many as I am inspired – A master coach, yes Prof. David is truly one.
His energy throughout all two terms is the same whether it is at the start of the day or the end of the day. His attention to every member in the class is the same and helps everyone to participate. He provides immense inspiring real stories propelling similar inspiration in everyone
As students in the class, we were getting distracted by our electronic gadgets whereas his focus was only on us.
Thank you so much Prof. David for providing all the PM – subject matters.!